I might have already told that sometime in January I made myself a pair of socks. Now I finally have also pics so I can present them to you.. They are already in use and have been proved to be nice and warm so I'd say it's mission accomplished. And there's also an added bonus of finally being able to put my first ever socks aside to be memories they are (Well, those socks also have some problems..) and got one pair to work since it's cold there. (A knitter has only three pairs of woollen socks..)

Ohje: Uhoavan Gnun kerttu-sukat Ulla-ekstrasta Mummojemme neuleet
Pattern: Kerttu-socks by Uhoava Gnu
Lanka / Yarn: Novita 7 veljestä
Puikot / Needles: 3,5 mm sukkikset / dpn's
Ihanat sukat, mutta kenties inan isot, mutta ei voi mitään.. Tein isommalla koolla, kun silmukkamäärä pienemmässä koossa oli pienempi kun mun tumpuissa, ja tuo pitsi hiukan tietty on löysempää kun sileä neule. Samoin pituus vois olla hiukan lyhempi, muttakun sitten sukat olis liian lyhyet. Eli hiukan jotain sanottavaa, mutta ei mitään käyttöä haittavaa. Ohje on aivan loistava!
Lovely socks, maybe a tiny bit too big but there's nothing I can do about it.. I made the bigger size, the smaller size had a smaller stitch count than my mittens, and also the lace is looser than stockinette. They could also be a bit shorter, but then they would be too short. So there's something wrong there but nothing that prevents using them. Pattern is just awesome!
Kuva on muuten vaan yhdestä sukasta kun oma jalka osottautui haasteelliseksi kuvattavaksi, varskinkin niin että kuvasta sais ees jotain selvää minkälaisia yksityiskohtia sukassa saattais olla. Ja väri on kans hankala kuvattava, nyt onnistui suht kivuttomasti oikea väri toistumaan.
The pic is from one foot only since I discovered hat my own feet are tricky to take photos from in a way that one could actually see even a bit of the details in the sock. And the colour is also challenging, I'm surprised how easily the color translated into the pic.